
ParentSquare -家长资源 & 监护人

Oregon City School District uses ParentSquare as the primary tool for communicating with families. This includes communications for emergencies and school closures, 学校通知, 以及即将到来的机会.

Our district is using ParentSquare because:

  • It gives parents/guardians more control over how and when they receive mess年龄s

  • Is an all-in-one communications platform that is more convenient

  • Allows teachers to communicate with families using the same platform as our district and their school

  • Has many added functions beyond communications.


Oregon City School District has partnered with Peachjar to provide digital distribution of important school and community information directly to families. Adoption of this new platform is in line with out efforts to provide our community and students with access to beneficial programs and resources. We believe that increased participation in school and afterschool programs can help improve student outcomes at our district. 


Important information from you child's school can now be viewed right from your smartphone! Flyers will be posted to each school's website and can be accessed by clicking the Peachjar button on your school's homepage. 另外, if you'd like to begin receiving flyers in your email to stay up to date with your child's school, 请登记: 

1. 参观 www.peachjar.com 

2. Click "My Account" in the top right corner

3. 点击“立即注册”

4. Select account type "Parent/Family Provider"

5. Enter requested information; choose your school and/or district you wish to follow


Community organizations who wish to distribute information to parents can now do so through Peachjar. 

1. 参观 www.peachjar.com

2. Click "My Account" in the top right corner

3. 点击“立即注册”

4. Select account type "Program Provider"

5. 注册您的组织 

6. Once your account is created, click "Send a Flyer" to submit your flyer for approval

7. 一旦获得批准, your flyer will be emailed to families and posted on each school's website for your selected duration of time. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. 




Support the basic educational mission of the district and directly benefit the students or be of intrinsic value to the students. 

Should not promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, 包括, 但不限于, materials or advertisements for tobacco, 麻醉品, 电影, 或不适合儿童使用的产品. 

Should not be defamatory or inappropriate based on the 年龄, grade level and/or maturity of the reading audience.

Should not be lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous. 

不应该歧视, 攻击, or denigrate any group on account of 性别, 比赛, 年龄, 性取向, color, 宗教, 祖先, 国家的起源, 残疾, 或其他非法代价. 

Should not incite students to commit unlawful acts, 违反校规, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools. 

Should not promote any particular political interest, 候选人, 聚会,派对, 或者投票表决, unless the 候选人s or advocates from all sides are provided the opportunity to present their views to the students during school hours or scheduled events. 

Should not imply the school district’s endorsement of any identified product or service.

校董会政策 KJA:分发材料


Some of our schools will be using a system called PickUp Patrol (PUP) to help us track absences and dismissals. PickUp Patrol will save us a great deal of time in the office and reduce interruptions in our classrooms, while providing you with a convenient way to make changes to your student’s dismissal plans.  最重要的是, it will help us ensure that your students arrive safely to their correct after-school destinations.

使用PUP web应用程序:

出席人数: Notify the school office when your student will be absent, arriving late, or leaving early. When you report your child absent you will be prompted to complete a health survey.

解雇的变化: Submit changes to your student’s regular dismissal plans. 例如: 

  • Your student normally rides the bus, but is getting picked up today.

  • Your student usually goes to aftercare, but is leaving early for an appointment.

All plan changes should be entered in PickUp Patrol by 1:00 PM (12:00 PM on Wednesdays). 笔记, emails or phone calls will not be accepted for changes after 1:00pm daily, 除了紧急情况.



Parents will receive an automated registration email through PUP. Once registered, parents can add the PUP app to their home screen. The app can be accessed by computer or smartphone, 对家长免费, and you can use it from your smartphone or computer - http://app.pickuppatrol.net/pages/login.aspx  PUP is not accessed through the app stores. Instead, you’ll simply add it to your phone’s home screen for easy access. 

If you have any questions, please contact 特里.hanno@orecity.k12.or.us, the Redland office at 503-785-8000, or PickUp Patrol at support@pickuppatrol.网.
